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27 May 2022 – OKRs, Focus improvement, Progress indicators and more


With a modern, visual, OKR and planning solution we bridge the gap between strategy and execution.

Key Results on Strategic Objectives

On Strategic Objectives you can add one or more Key Results that can have different target values for each Focus or any point in time.

Target and actual data can be entered manually or programmatically via Power Automate and Power Apps and displayed as powerful graphical diagram and data bar showing trend and progress versus target.

KPI’s on Ambitions

Define the equivalent KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for each Ambition and validate the KPI against one Strategic Objective’s Key Result. KPI’s can be optionally displayed directly on the Ambition object in the plan diagram.

Color is defined on actual value vs. target value for the current time.
Arrow up/down is the current trend based on current value vs. previous value.

The display of Ambition Progress and KPI indicators can be altered in the Meny – Plan View Settings.


The Focus object has been improved. Now the Focus time frame is set manually and then you can choose to associate Actions to the Focus from a new selection view. By default, Actions with dates occurring within the Focus time frame are suggested to be included.

The Focuses time frames are also used as suggested milestones for the OKRs.

In the Ambition sidebar, Actions are now grouped by Focus, the currently active Focus by default.
Note! An Action can only belong to one Focus at a time.

Progress indicators

In addition to adding the new KPI indicator (See OKR above) on the Ambition Object, our classic progress indicator now has an outer circle reflecting the current progress percent complete.

Validation icons

The Action -> Strategic Objective validation icons have a new color scheme for the High, Medium, Low impact. As to not to be mixed up with our Red/Yellow/Green progress indicators, all validation icons now are shades of blue.

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