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How to use the OKR View

VisPlan hierarchical OKRview

The OKR View feature to enhances your strategic planning experience. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to effectively utilize the OKR View in VisPlan, enabling you to visualize, track, and achieve your strategic objectives with ease.

What are OKRs?

OKRs, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, are a goal-setting framework widely used in businesses and organizations. OKRs help teams define clear and measurable objectives, along with key results that indicate the successful achievement of those objectives. They serve as a roadmap to align teams, track progress, and drive success.

Why Use the OKR View in VisPlan?

VisPlan’s OKR View offers a dynamic and visually intuitive way to work with your OKRs.
Here’s why it’s essential and how it can benefit your strategic planning:

  • Clear Visualization: OKR View provides a hierarchical org chart-style representation of your Objectives, Key Results, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Actions. It allows you to see how these components are interconnected, offering a clear overview of your strategy.
  • Alignment: With OKR View, you can easily align your teams and stakeholders by visualizing the relationships between objectives and the actions needed to achieve them.
  • Measurability: OKRs are all about setting measurable goals. VisPlan’s OKR View ensures that each Key Result and KPI is clearly defined and trackable, helping you measure your progress effectively.
  • Streamlined Planning: It simplifies your planning process by allowing you to validate Actions against Key Results, ensuring that every action contributes directly to achieving your goals.

How to Use OKR View

1. Define Your Objectives

  • Start by defining your high-level objectives. These could align with your organization’s mission or long-term strategic goals.

2. Set Measurable Key Results

  • Each objective should have one or more measurable Key Results. Key Results are specific milestones that indicate progress toward achieving the objective.

3. Visualize Your Plan

  • Use Capability lines and Ambitions to visually develop your plan.
  • Place KPIs and associate Actions under Ambitions to drive results.

4. Validate Actions Against Key Results

  • VisPlan allows you to validate Actions against Key Results, ensuring that every action directly contributes to achieving your objectives. This can be done seamlessly in the Plan Sidebar or Matrix View.

5. Explore the OKR View

  • The real power of VisPlan lies in the OKR View. Here, you can see your entire strategy come together in a hierarchical org chart-style representation. Objectives, Key Results, KPIs, and Actions are all interconnected, providing a holistic view of your strategy.

6. Optimize Your Strategic Planning

  • Use the insights gained from the OKR View to optimize your strategic planning process. Identify areas where adjustments are needed, and make informed decisions to keep your strategy on track.

Watch the Video

We’ve created a video presentation that demonstrates how to use the OKR View in VisPlan. You can watch it below for a step-by-step visual guide:

VisPlan’s OKR View is a powerful tool that enhances your strategic planning by providing a clear and interconnected view of your objectives, key results, KPIs, and actions. By following the steps outlined in this guide and watching our instructional video, you can harness the full potential of the OKR View to drive success in your organization.

For more detailed instructions and tips, please refer to our official documentation or reach out to our support team for assistance.

Start using OKR View in VisPlan today and elevate your strategic planning to new heights.

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