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30 December 2024 – link to Objects, Delete plan connections,  Library Upgrades, and Support for cloud.microsoft

Link to Objects

You can now easily share links to almost any object, such as an action in VisPlan. Simply click on the three vertical dots next to an object in the sidebar, select “Share,” copy the link, and send it in a chat to the user. Note that the user must have access to the plan to view the content.

Delete Button in the Dashboard

When in edit mode, connections between plans in the hierarchy view on the dashboard now have a delete button. An “X” appears on the lines, making it easier to remove connections without using the keyboard.

Library Upgrades

To address the latest security and compatibility issues, we have upgraded many libraries to ensure they are up to date.

Support for cloud.microsoft

Microsoft is rolling out a combined URL for all cloud-based services, and we now support the unified cloud.microsoft domain. This means that all services previously accessed through separate URLs will now be available under the single domain cloud.microsoft. This change aims to streamline access and improve the user experience by providing a consistent and unified entry point for all Microsoft cloud services. Our platform has been updated to fully support this new domain structure, ensuring seamless integration and continued access to all your cloud-based resources.

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